Batman: Arkham Wiki

Martha wayne batman arkham knight by xcrofty
Martha Wayne
Personal information
Real name Martha Wayne
Occupation Philanthropist
Based in Gotham City
Physical description
Eye color Brown
Hair color Brown
Height 5 ft 8 in
Weight 135 lbs
Real-world information
Appearances Arkham Asylum (hallucination only)
Arkham City (hallucination only)
Arkham Origins (flashback only)
Arkham Knight (hallucination only)
Voice actor Tasia Valenza

Martha Wayne (Martha Kane prior to her marriage) was the wife of renowned surgeon Thomas Wayne and the mother of Bruce Wayne. She was a dedicated philanthropist, and was well-respected in Gotham City. She shared her husband's charitable nature, and was dedicated to her son's upbringing, doing her best to teach him many of their moral values.

She was well-regarded in Gotham's social circles, and helped host many charity balls at Wayne Manor. When she and her husband were murdered by Joe Chill, Gotham was shocked, and crime took a firmer grip of the city than ever before. As a direct result of his parents' murder, Bruce dedicated himself to extinguishing crime as Batman.

Physical Appearance[]






